82) Brendan O’Regan convinced the Irish government to pass a law that made Shannon Airport as technically not a part of Ireland, law was passed in 1947 and it became the world first of its kind Airport to conceive an idea which was later followed by Hong Kong in 1960, Hawaii in 1962 and widely popular in today world. What is the idea or what make the Airport to be first of its kind ?
81) The first recorded usages of this practice was in 1988 by Microsoft when Paul Maritz ordered to its employees to use company product internally first before launching into the market. Today this practice is widely used in software industry. What is the term is coined for such practices?
80) One of the earliest use of the term ______ ______ found in 1989 in PC User magazine in an article about the adoption of Macintosh SE versus Compaq. It is a practice which is generally adopted by every company as a marketing tool which was first used by "Hotmail" in 1996. Id what is this marketing tool which is widely used today ?
79) Who has launched a perfume brand in India which literally mean as the "good smell of socialists". Each bottle of perfume captures the fragrance of four different cities—Agra, Lucknow, Benares and Kannauj,” Who launched this perfume line ?
78) What is so special about this Lego work, who is named Professor C. Bodin ?
- First female scientist mini figure by Lego
77) This plant had been found in Egyptian tombs dating back to 4000 BC its usages were improving hair growth and body ointments. In India this plant has been documented in 2000 BC and has been used in local medicine (Unani, Ayurvedic etc) since then. Italian dictator Benito Mussolini used these plant as a method to punish his dissidents and opponents who were forced to ingest it in large amount which led to death. According to, 2007 edition of Guinness World Records, this plant is the most poisonous in the world.
76) This concept of marketing was first publicised in Seth Godin’s book, “__________: Turning Strangers into Friends and Friends into Customers”, in 1999. This marketing concept widely used by Facebook, Youtube, Google and other e-commerce companies in today world. How do we know this concept very well ?
75) Journalist Romesh Thapar started an English language magazine, named Cross Roads which was banned being critical of Nehru Policies. Thaper challenged the ban in the SC which lifted the ban in 1951. This incident forced the Govt of India to bring some amendment in a Law. What was the amendment was all about?
74) Edward A. Calahan, who was chief telegrapher in Western Union telegraph company at Manhattan. While working with Western Union, he encountered a group of rushing messenger boys which inspired him to improve exchange communication. These men were called runners as they had to rush to their offices to report the change in stock prices. Later he came up with an idea of X in late 1860's which made their life easy and efficient. What did he invent ?
73) Marrakesh Treaty adopted in 2013 in Marrakesh , Morocco. The treaty focuses on facilitate the creation of accessible versions of books and other copyrighted works of whom ?
72) What is Glass closet in the business world ?
71) He is Samuel Stokes who came to India in 1904, who later settled here and also joined Indian Independence Movement. Very little was known about this extraordinary man until 1999, when his granddaughter came with his biography "An American in Khadi". Besides his effort as a freedom Fighter, he is best known for his contribution in Agriculture industry in North India , today his contribution is identity of X state. Id whats his contribution ?
- Apple in Himachal Pradesh
70) Josiah Wedgwood, a 18th century entrepreneur known for pioneering this marketing strategy which has grown significantly over the last few years which has become standard practice today in direct marketing Very often, unreliable businesses use it as a tact to reel the customer into a false sense of safety. This tech was major tool for company like Richard Sears & Crosely to win there customer confidence. Id which marketing strategy talked about ?
69) This is concept of Management theory in which selection/promotion of a candidate for a particular position is based on his previous & current performance on the job rather than his competency level and as a result he stops performing on his new job as he may not have required skills for the job which has been assigned to him in result failed to get promotion further. How do we know this concept ?
68) This is an Indian book award hosted by a Mumbai based Bookstore which was instituted in 1998 with intention of competing with Booker Prize, Pulitzer Prize etc. This award has been sponsored by many companies since its inception which includes Hutch, Vodafone, The Economist and currently sponsored by Raymond Group. Id the award I am talking about ?
67) It is kind of portraits which was the cheapest way of recording a person appearance before the advent of photograph in which a person or any object or scene represented as a solid shape of a single colour mainly black. It was cheap and alternative to the portrait miniature & specialist artist.
66) It is generally believed X method was first introduced by Frederic Le Play in 1829. which was further developed by the two sociologists Barney Glaser and Anselm Strauss in their research named Grounded theory in 1960's. Later this method earned great popularity in the world of education. What is this has been talked about ?
65) It is a shorter dress around knee length. Prior to mid 20th century this type of dress was known as "Late Afternoon" dress. In early 20th century some designers began describing it 'Dancing Costumes". It was Christian Dior who first used X term for this costume in 1940's and since then we know this dress by this name. Id which costume specially for parties ?
64) It adv by which company ?
- Bombay Dying
63) Albion Sports in Australia is the only manufacturer of this and right of it has been held by "Australian Cricket Board" What is this I am talking about having enormous value there ?
61) This is a deceptive business practice used by a company to inflate its sales and earnings figures by deliberately sending retailers along its distribution channel more products than they are able to sell to the public. What term is referred for such business practices ?
- Channel Stuffing
60) Which brand came with this men's body spray perfume ?
- Burger King
59) It is a shorter dress around knee length. Prior to mid 20th century this type of dress was known as "Late Afternoon" dress. In early 20th century some designers began describing it 'Dancing Costumes". It was Christian Dior who first used X term for this costume in 1940's and since then we know this dress by this name. Id which costume specially for parties ?
58) It is based on free software and named after the Southern African philosophy meaning 'humanity towards others' or "the belief in a universal bond of sharing that connects all humanity". This is a Operating System developed by a South African entrepreneur and space tourist with a vision to provide access to all software should be free to all and available to everybody on the same terms. Today it is funded by Canonical Ltd. Id what I am talking about ?
57) It is kind of portraits which was the cheapest way of recording a person appearance before the advent of photograph in which a person or any object or scene represented as a solid shape of a single colour mainly black. It was cheap and alternative to the portrait miniature & specialist artist.
56) This is concept of Management theory in which selection/promotion of a candidate for a particular position is based on his previous & current performance on the job rather than his competency level and as a result he stops performing on his new job as he may not have required skills for the job which has been assigned to him in result failed to get promotion further. How do we know this concept ?
55) 'SCAM' is a term which is widely used in IT industry, which has changed the way a business can be run and get closer to the customer with minimal overhead and maximum reach. What does this stand for ?
- Social networking, Cloud services, Analytics and Mobile computing
54) He is Samuel Stokes who came to India in 1904, who later settled here and also joined Indian Independence Movement. Very little was known about this extraordinary man until 1999, when his granddaughter came with his biography "An American in Khadi". Besides his effort as a freedom Fighter, he is best known for his contribution in Agriculture industry in North India , today his contribution is identity of X state. Id whats his contribution ?
- Apple in Himachal Pradesh
53) The Most Special Way to Say You Care" is slogan of which Indian company founded in late 1970's, went public in mid 1990's and came up with online portal in 2000. Id the company ?
52) Who said this "A stable competitive market never has more than three or four significant competitors, the largest of which has no more than four times the market share of the smallest." An attempt to prove the hypothesis of "The Rule of 3 & 4" ?
51) What is Glass closet in the business world ?
50) Marrakesh Treaty adopted in 2013 in Marrakesh , Morocco. The treaty focuses on facilitate the creation of accessible versions of books and other copyrighted works of whom ?
49) This 5-star hotel opened recently in Japan near Nagasaki by a Japanese businessman Hideo Sawada. The hotel is named Henn na Hotel, which means ‘change’ or ‘strange’ in Japanese, set in a theme park that is modelled on a quaint Dutch town. What is so special about this new hotel opened recently ?
48) 'Sandwich generation' a term used for particular age group of people or do a specific job, coined by Dorothy A Miller in 1981. To whom this term is referring to ?
47) This billboard campaign by this sanitary pad company in Pakistan inspired by what ?
46) Who has opened its demat account with Stock Holding Corporation of India Limited (SHCIL) with a/c number allotted to it "1601010000384828" to accept donations in form of share & securities ?
45) Who in India having Tag line "99% Fun in 1% land" ?
44) Which Indian city was called by Nehru as "a window to French culture" ?
43) What term was coined by the Walter Margulies post WW-II, who together with G. Llippincott founded a design consultancy company Lippincott & Margulies in mid 1940's. Later this term gained wider acceptance as a professional practice. What is the term ?
42) Which institution motto is this "Building peace in the minds of men and women" ?
41) "The Big Day" a documentary made by famous French director Pascal Plisson is inspired by ________ ?
40) William H. McMasters who was hired by an Italian businessman, who later realise his client X is a fraudster, he wrote a scathing expose for "The Boston Post" to expose X. The newspaper received the 1921 Pulitzer Prize for this coverage. Id who was expose by this man William McMaster?
39) What is this, placed in service by the East Indian Railway Company in West Bengal, where it hauled troop trains during the Indian Rebellion of 1857. Later it was discontinued in 1909. It was returned to commercial service again after 88 years certified by the Guinness Book of Records as being the world's oldest one in regular operation after being restored as a luxury train. Id what has been talked about which is bestowed heritage status by Indian govt. & as a national treasure?
38) Id this new venture?
- Living Foodz, venture of Essel Group
37) Id the campaign of?
- Schweppes
36) Angola, a colony of Portugal gained independence in mid-1970's and later entered into a civil war which continued till early 2000's. In this period, rebellion used to sell X to finance its war with the government. The UN recognised the role that X played in funding the rebels and passed a resolution banning the purchase of X from Angola as it is one the mode of funding a war. What is X & what particular term was coined by the rebellion for this item when it is used in war zone to finance insurgency?
35) Due to upcoming alarming situation sometime in near future as this country will suffer from its lower population. To tackle this situation a travel company named "Spies" has come up with a campaign for aspiring grandparents "Do it for Mom" to encourage parents to sponsor trips abroad for their adult children and get a grandchild & conceived a child while on a vacation organised by the company, offered a chance to win three years of free diapers. Id country where such schemes has been launched ?
34) Albion Sports in Australia is the only manufacturer of this and right of it has been held by "Australian Cricket Board" What is this I am talking about having enormous value there ?
33) This game and its variants are popular in many countries. Some of the games are sold under the brand name like Sorry, Trouble, Aggravation. In Greece the game is called Grumbler, In Sweden it is known as Fia. What game I am talking about originated in 6th century and early evidence of this game is also found in the Ajanta Cave ?
32) First time it was introduced in the court of Queen Elizabeth I, who served them to her guests. Today, they are generally served around the world on some occasion like Christmas. Acc. to Guinness Book of Records, the world largest of this was made by IKEA in Oslo, Norway in late 2000's. What I am talking about which is also used in decoration of house as well ?
31) Melendez who was a Spanish citizen who used to run a website greenshine.com an adult site. To hide his identity and work from his loved one, he created something which he later sold to Israel Govt. What did he sell to Israel Govt. ?
30) This practice has developed over time as unions respond to workers being laid off because of technological change. These lay-offs have caused unions to seek some way to retain workers, even though there may be little work for them to perform. What is the term coined for such practice when labour union hiring more worker than necessary for a particular task ?
- Featherbedding
29) We are familiar with the White Collar, Blue collar & Pink collar. Who are the Gold Collar Worker ?
28) Which company created the growth-share matrix in 1968?
27) In advertising layouts (or any written text, for that matter), what is `kerning'?
26) Lester Wonderman known for giving what marketing concept to this world ?
- Direct Marketing
25) The first of its kind built in 1954 in suburban Detroit by 'Victor Gruen' and later was seen as the future of American Consumer. What came in Existence ?
24) George Silverman, a psychologist, pioneered this marketing concept, when he created this he called it "teleconferenced peer influence groups" this concept first used to engage physicians in dialogue about new pharmaceutical products. What marketing concept came in existence ?
- Word of Mouth
23) Id the book is about which US corporation written by William Pelfrey?
- General Motors (Billy is William Durant and Alfred Sloan and GM).
22) In 1960's, Which Indian company was among the first companies in the country to launch
"Management Trainee programme" ?
- India Pistons
21) What is this concept in management theory originally advocated by two business authors, C. K. Prahalad and Gary Hamel?
- Core Competency
20) POSDCORB is an acronym widely used in the field of Management and Public Administration. Expand this ?
- Planning, Organizing, Staffing, Directing, Coordinating, Reporting and Budgeting
19) With which management consultancy would you associate the 7-S strategy framework consisting of Structure, Strategy, Systems, Shared Values, Skills, Style and Staff?
18) Assigning a project to a person or department within the company instead of hiring an outside person or company to do the work or to bringing a third party outsourcer to work inside a company's facility What is the term coined for such phenomena ?
17) Napoleon Bonaparte said this "_____ , the Sleeping Giant!. Let it sleep. For if it wakes up, it will shake the world". Fill the blank with the name of a country ?
16) Campaign of which Asian brand ?
- Samsung
15) This product was first made in the Gujrat and its first trademark was registered by Haribhai Desai of Bombay 1901 while Mohanlal and Hargovindas obtained its trademark in 1902 by doing some change in it. The ‘Swadeshi Andolan’ gave this product acceptance widely. Around World War II, this product became an important as it was a part of the rations of the Indian Army. The outbreak of World War II saw an increase in the production. This item gained widespread social acceptance in a short period and its industry became a role model for small Indian businesses. Id what I am talking about ?
14) The Totonac people, who inhabit in the Mexico, known for first to cultivate this commodity, According to Totonac mythology, the tropical orchid was born when Princess Xanat, forbidden by her father from marrying a person later fled to the forest with her lover. The lovers were captured and beheaded. Where their blood touched the ground, the vine of the tropical orchid grew.
13) Which company has issued these gold coins worth in honour of legend Sachin Tendulkar ?
- East India Company
12) X was established in 1970 by a group of socially committed industrialists led by Mr J.R.D. Tata and Dr Bharat Ram. The institution was initially called the Family Planning Foundation. It got its present name in 1993. The foundation aimed to supplement and complement the government’s efforts and galvanize voluntary action to support activities that address population issues and concerns in India. Id which Institution is this ?
11) What is the product was named after a town in the province of Antwerp in Belgium as this city was the only supplier of its raw material. This product is widely used by Army persons worldwide ?
- Duffle Bag
10) This term was coined first in 1968 by William Gaud former USAID(United State Agency for international Development Director). This term widely used in international arena. First to be used by India in 1960's & later in Iran used for a protest made against the malpractices in election. Id the term I am talking about ?
- Green Revoution
9) Which International organistation founded in 1967 having its HQ in Indonesia. To avoid the conflict for its chairmanship, this org. rotate its Chairmanship of this organisation annually based on the alphabetical order of the English names of member states. Id which International org. is this ?
- ASEAN (Association of South East Asian Nation)
8) 'Ek Nayi Pahal' is a in house magazine of _________ ?
- Tihar Jail
7) What term is used to refer the countries which are politically unstable, economically depends upon the exports of a limited resources & are commercially exploited for private profits by the State itself. Honduras and Guatemala only the two countries which have been dubbed _________ in 20th century. The term was first coined by American author Henry in his 1904 book of short stories "Cabbages and Kings". What term ?
6) The first of its kind were made from hand-sewn silk muslin and was patented in 1903. First appearing commercially around 1904. It was successfully marketed by a merchant Thomas Sullivan of New York, who shipped his around the world. What product is this has been talked about ?
- Tea Bag
5) Id the campaign by ?
- Campaign for A Polio-Free India by JWT and Rotary International.
4) What is Ward Infrastructure Index?
3) Which city is nick-named "Little Japan in India" was given by Mr. Jawaharlal Nehru?
2) What is this commenced on January 26, 1967 and is one of the longest running programs?
1) What is the name of the only novel written by Charlie Chaplin that is being made public for the first time?
- Duty-free airports
- Eating your own dog food or Dogfooding
- Viral Marketing
- Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Akhilesh Yadav
- First female scientist mini figure by Lego
77) This plant had been found in Egyptian tombs dating back to 4000 BC its usages were improving hair growth and body ointments. In India this plant has been documented in 2000 BC and has been used in local medicine (Unani, Ayurvedic etc) since then. Italian dictator Benito Mussolini used these plant as a method to punish his dissidents and opponents who were forced to ingest it in large amount which led to death. According to, 2007 edition of Guinness World Records, this plant is the most poisonous in the world.
In the business world, a famous brand originated in 1960, named after this plant as its seeds are the main ingredient in its products. ID the company?
- Castrol from Castor plant
- Permission Marketing
- Government added the caveat to the right to freedom of speech.
- Ticker Tape
- Visually impaired persons and persons with print disabilities
- Accepting the LGBT community in workplace or accepting the fact.
- Apple in Himachal Pradesh
70) Josiah Wedgwood, a 18th century entrepreneur known for pioneering this marketing strategy which has grown significantly over the last few years which has become standard practice today in direct marketing Very often, unreliable businesses use it as a tact to reel the customer into a false sense of safety. This tech was major tool for company like Richard Sears & Crosely to win there customer confidence. Id which marketing strategy talked about ?
- Money-back guarantee
- Peter Principle
- Crossword Book Award
67) It is kind of portraits which was the cheapest way of recording a person appearance before the advent of photograph in which a person or any object or scene represented as a solid shape of a single colour mainly black. It was cheap and alternative to the portrait miniature & specialist artist.
A particular word/term is used for such portraits or art form in mid 18th century which derives from the name of a French Finance Minister who took severe economic measure to cope with credit crisis in late 1750's. And because of several austerity measure his name became synonymous with the anything done or made cheaply specially for these portraits. Id what is the term named after this Fin. Minister ?
- Silhouette
66) It is generally believed X method was first introduced by Frederic Le Play in 1829. which was further developed by the two sociologists Barney Glaser and Anselm Strauss in their research named Grounded theory in 1960's. Later this method earned great popularity in the world of education. What is this has been talked about ?
- Case Study Method
- Cocktail Dress
64) It adv by which company ?
- Bombay Dying
63) Albion Sports in Australia is the only manufacturer of this and right of it has been held by "Australian Cricket Board" What is this I am talking about having enormous value there ?
- Baggy Green worn by the Australian Test cricketers
- Channel Stuffing
60) Which brand came with this men's body spray perfume ?
- Burger King
59) It is a shorter dress around knee length. Prior to mid 20th century this type of dress was known as "Late Afternoon" dress. In early 20th century some designers began describing it 'Dancing Costumes". It was Christian Dior who first used X term for this costume in 1940's and since then we know this dress by this name. Id which costume specially for parties ?
- Cocktail Dress
- Ubuntu
57) It is kind of portraits which was the cheapest way of recording a person appearance before the advent of photograph in which a person or any object or scene represented as a solid shape of a single colour mainly black. It was cheap and alternative to the portrait miniature & specialist artist.
A particular word/term is used for such portraits or art form in mid 18th century which derives from the name of a French Finance Minister who took severe economic measure to cope with credit crisis in late 1750's. And because of several austerity measure his name became synonymous with the anything done or made cheaply specially for these portraits. Id what is the term named after this Fin. Minister ?
- Silhouette
56) This is concept of Management theory in which selection/promotion of a candidate for a particular position is based on his previous & current performance on the job rather than his competency level and as a result he stops performing on his new job as he may not have required skills for the job which has been assigned to him in result failed to get promotion further. How do we know this concept ?
- Peter Principle
55) 'SCAM' is a term which is widely used in IT industry, which has changed the way a business can be run and get closer to the customer with minimal overhead and maximum reach. What does this stand for ?
- Social networking, Cloud services, Analytics and Mobile computing
54) He is Samuel Stokes who came to India in 1904, who later settled here and also joined Indian Independence Movement. Very little was known about this extraordinary man until 1999, when his granddaughter came with his biography "An American in Khadi". Besides his effort as a freedom Fighter, he is best known for his contribution in Agriculture industry in North India , today his contribution is identity of X state. Id whats his contribution ?
- Apple in Himachal Pradesh
53) The Most Special Way to Say You Care" is slogan of which Indian company founded in late 1970's, went public in mid 1990's and came up with online portal in 2000. Id the company ?
- Archies
52) Who said this "A stable competitive market never has more than three or four significant competitors, the largest of which has no more than four times the market share of the smallest." An attempt to prove the hypothesis of "The Rule of 3 & 4" ?
- Bruce Henderson
51) What is Glass closet in the business world ?
- Accepting the LGBT community in workplace or accepting the fact.
- Visually impaired persons and persons with print disabilities
49) This 5-star hotel opened recently in Japan near Nagasaki by a Japanese businessman Hideo Sawada. The hotel is named Henn na Hotel, which means ‘change’ or ‘strange’ in Japanese, set in a theme park that is modelled on a quaint Dutch town. What is so special about this new hotel opened recently ?
- World's 1st hotel to be fully managed by Robots/ Humanoids.
48) 'Sandwich generation' a term used for particular age group of people or do a specific job, coined by Dorothy A Miller in 1981. To whom this term is referring to ?
- A generation of people who care for their aging parents while supporting their own children
- Wikileaks
46) Who has opened its demat account with Stock Holding Corporation of India Limited (SHCIL) with a/c number allotted to it "1601010000384828" to accept donations in form of share & securities ?
- Tirumala Tirupati Devasthanams (TTD)
45) Who in India having Tag line "99% Fun in 1% land" ?
- Lakshadweep
44) Which Indian city was called by Nehru as "a window to French culture" ?
- Puducherry
- Corporate Identity
42) Which institution motto is this "Building peace in the minds of men and women" ?
41) "The Big Day" a documentary made by famous French director Pascal Plisson is inspired by ________ ?
- Super 30 by Anand Kumar
40) William H. McMasters who was hired by an Italian businessman, who later realise his client X is a fraudster, he wrote a scathing expose for "The Boston Post" to expose X. The newspaper received the 1921 Pulitzer Prize for this coverage. Id who was expose by this man William McMaster?
- Charles Ponzi.
39) What is this, placed in service by the East Indian Railway Company in West Bengal, where it hauled troop trains during the Indian Rebellion of 1857. Later it was discontinued in 1909. It was returned to commercial service again after 88 years certified by the Guinness Book of Records as being the world's oldest one in regular operation after being restored as a luxury train. Id what has been talked about which is bestowed heritage status by Indian govt. & as a national treasure?
- The Fairy Queen
38) Id this new venture?


36) Angola, a colony of Portugal gained independence in mid-1970's and later entered into a civil war which continued till early 2000's. In this period, rebellion used to sell X to finance its war with the government. The UN recognised the role that X played in funding the rebels and passed a resolution banning the purchase of X from Angola as it is one the mode of funding a war. What is X & what particular term was coined by the rebellion for this item when it is used in war zone to finance insurgency?
- Diamond and term is Blood Diamond
35) Due to upcoming alarming situation sometime in near future as this country will suffer from its lower population. To tackle this situation a travel company named "Spies" has come up with a campaign for aspiring grandparents "Do it for Mom" to encourage parents to sponsor trips abroad for their adult children and get a grandchild & conceived a child while on a vacation organised by the company, offered a chance to win three years of free diapers. Id country where such schemes has been launched ?
- Denmark
34) Albion Sports in Australia is the only manufacturer of this and right of it has been held by "Australian Cricket Board" What is this I am talking about having enormous value there ?
- Baggy Green worn by the Australian Test cricketers
- Ludo which is derived from Indian Game Pachisi
32) First time it was introduced in the court of Queen Elizabeth I, who served them to her guests. Today, they are generally served around the world on some occasion like Christmas. Acc. to Guinness Book of Records, the world largest of this was made by IKEA in Oslo, Norway in late 2000's. What I am talking about which is also used in decoration of house as well ?
- Gingerbread man cookie
- Twitter Handle as his name was Israel Melendez so made a Twitter handler after his first name
- Featherbedding
29) We are familiar with the White Collar, Blue collar & Pink collar. Who are the Gold Collar Worker ?
- Knowledge worker
28) Which company created the growth-share matrix in 1968?
- The Boston Consulting Group
27) In advertising layouts (or any written text, for that matter), what is `kerning'?
- The Space between the letters
- Direct Marketing
25) The first of its kind built in 1954 in suburban Detroit by 'Victor Gruen' and later was seen as the future of American Consumer. What came in Existence ?
- First Shopping Mall
24) George Silverman, a psychologist, pioneered this marketing concept, when he created this he called it "teleconferenced peer influence groups" this concept first used to engage physicians in dialogue about new pharmaceutical products. What marketing concept came in existence ?
- Word of Mouth
23) Id the book is about which US corporation written by William Pelfrey?
- General Motors (Billy is William Durant and Alfred Sloan and GM).
22) In 1960's, Which Indian company was among the first companies in the country to launch
"Management Trainee programme" ?
- India Pistons
21) What is this concept in management theory originally advocated by two business authors, C. K. Prahalad and Gary Hamel?
- Core Competency
20) POSDCORB is an acronym widely used in the field of Management and Public Administration. Expand this ?
- Planning, Organizing, Staffing, Directing, Coordinating, Reporting and Budgeting
19) With which management consultancy would you associate the 7-S strategy framework consisting of Structure, Strategy, Systems, Shared Values, Skills, Style and Staff?
- McKinsey
18) Assigning a project to a person or department within the company instead of hiring an outside person or company to do the work or to bringing a third party outsourcer to work inside a company's facility What is the term coined for such phenomena ?
- Insourcing
17) Napoleon Bonaparte said this "_____ , the Sleeping Giant!. Let it sleep. For if it wakes up, it will shake the world". Fill the blank with the name of a country ?
- China
16) Campaign of which Asian brand ?
- Samsung
15) This product was first made in the Gujrat and its first trademark was registered by Haribhai Desai of Bombay 1901 while Mohanlal and Hargovindas obtained its trademark in 1902 by doing some change in it. The ‘Swadeshi Andolan’ gave this product acceptance widely. Around World War II, this product became an important as it was a part of the rations of the Indian Army. The outbreak of World War II saw an increase in the production. This item gained widespread social acceptance in a short period and its industry became a role model for small Indian businesses. Id what I am talking about ?
- Bidi
14) The Totonac people, who inhabit in the Mexico, known for first to cultivate this commodity, According to Totonac mythology, the tropical orchid was born when Princess Xanat, forbidden by her father from marrying a person later fled to the forest with her lover. The lovers were captured and beheaded. Where their blood touched the ground, the vine of the tropical orchid grew.
In the 15th century, Aztecs who conquered the Totonac named this item "Black flower". In mid 19th century Maxico was the chief producer of this but currently according to the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organisation, Indonesia is currently responsible for the vast majority of its production around 58%. Today this is 2nd most expensive spice of this world liked most by children ?
- Vanila
13) Which company has issued these gold coins worth in honour of legend Sachin Tendulkar ?
- East India Company
12) X was established in 1970 by a group of socially committed industrialists led by Mr J.R.D. Tata and Dr Bharat Ram. The institution was initially called the Family Planning Foundation. It got its present name in 1993. The foundation aimed to supplement and complement the government’s efforts and galvanize voluntary action to support activities that address population issues and concerns in India. Id which Institution is this ?
- Population Foundation of India PFI.
- Duffle Bag
10) This term was coined first in 1968 by William Gaud former USAID(United State Agency for international Development Director). This term widely used in international arena. First to be used by India in 1960's & later in Iran used for a protest made against the malpractices in election. Id the term I am talking about ?
- Green Revoution
9) Which International organistation founded in 1967 having its HQ in Indonesia. To avoid the conflict for its chairmanship, this org. rotate its Chairmanship of this organisation annually based on the alphabetical order of the English names of member states. Id which International org. is this ?
- ASEAN (Association of South East Asian Nation)
8) 'Ek Nayi Pahal' is a in house magazine of _________ ?
- Tihar Jail
7) What term is used to refer the countries which are politically unstable, economically depends upon the exports of a limited resources & are commercially exploited for private profits by the State itself. Honduras and Guatemala only the two countries which have been dubbed _________ in 20th century. The term was first coined by American author Henry in his 1904 book of short stories "Cabbages and Kings". What term ?
- Banana Republic.
6) The first of its kind were made from hand-sewn silk muslin and was patented in 1903. First appearing commercially around 1904. It was successfully marketed by a merchant Thomas Sullivan of New York, who shipped his around the world. What product is this has been talked about ?
- Tea Bag
5) Id the campaign by ?
- Campaign for A Polio-Free India by JWT and Rotary International.
4) What is Ward Infrastructure Index?
- A program to assess the quality of life in urban areas. It analyses various wards by its quality of infrastructure and rates them on scale of 0 – 10. Initiative taken by 'Janaagraha' a NGO.
3) Which city is nick-named "Little Japan in India" was given by Mr. Jawaharlal Nehru?
- Sivakasi
2) What is this commenced on January 26, 1967 and is one of the longest running programs?
-Krishi Dharshan