188) This firm founded in 2004, the name is derived from the two statistical term and having the slogan of "Do The Math"?
- Mu Sigma Inc
187) What was established in 1940 which was actively encouraged by the Kingdome of Mysore and estd under the Mysore Companies Act as a private Ltd company, Walchand had fist approached share holders of his own company?
- Hindustan Aeronautics Limited (HAL)
186) What was created by Dr. C .F. Rehnborg in 1930's sold as the California Vitamin Company later renamed in 1939 which is currently manufactured by Access Business Group ?
- Nutrilite
185) This group founded in mid 1960's by Lala Rattan Chand has today blossomed into one of the largest Textile Business houses in India. They're the second largest producer of sewing thread in the country. Which group?
- Vardhaman group
184) The brand name is a phonetic translation of "well-loved" in French. This brand was launched in 1947 by Godefroy Manufacturing, taken over by Unilever in 2010. In 2014, company launched a campaign called "Runaway Insiders" in which gave women a personal point of view of the latest trends and how they can achieve various professional looks at home. Id the brand
- TRESemmé
183) This group 2nd major venture was a Chemical Enterprises and today it is leading player in the field of industrial and domestic adhesives, marketing its products under the successful brand name Dendrite. It also entered the hospitality business in early 2000's under the brand name 'The Senator'. Id the group which also having the presence in Real Estate biz, Software, Rubber plantation etc.
- P. C. Chandra Group
182) Id the company named after his Sir name ?
- Avis, a car rental company
181) Which US based some sort of apparel brand, call its sales force as "Comfort Specialist Consultants" ?
- Jockey
180) This letter went viral written by Charlotte Benjamin’s in early 2014 in which, she complains to X that " there are more ______ boy and barely any _____ girl. Addressing the 'X' she compares how “all the girls sit at home, got to the beach, and shop, and had no jobs,” while the boy figures “went on adventures, worked, saved people, and had jobs,” adding they “even swam with sharks”. This letter once again in the bring X in the dock over its gender inequality approach. To whom she was addressing to ?
- Lego
179) "Make in India" is dream project of NDA govt. which company came up with "Made for India" campaign back in late 2000's?
- Nokia for its mobile, Nokia- 1100, interestingly Make in India & Made for India campaign are made by one person V Sunil.
178) It began, in 1979, as a mad idea of starting a cable channel to televise local events throughout the state of Connecticut. Today, X is arguably the most successful network in modern television history, spanning eight channels in the Unites States and around the world. Id the company, I am talking about which history has been chronicled in a book named "These Guys Have all the Fun"?
177) This couple raised some fund & opened their first store in San Francisco, selling Levi’s jeans and music records. Id the brand they founded which first to be named as "Pant and Discs" but had to change the name when his wife suggested to call it ______. Id this famous fashion brand they founded?
- The Gap founded by Donald & Doris Fisher
- The Deccan Chronicle
- Amrut Distilleries Ltd
- Mr. Clean
- Young & Rubicam Advertising Agency by John Orr Young, Raymond Rubicam
172) Which air charter company was founded as Megapode Airlines Ltd. in 1993. Later changed its name to X. Id which Airline having its operation on more than a 150 airports in 56 countries?
- Taj Air
This system of naming its items is so complex, most of the customer get mystified. To overcome this problem company came up with a more efficient way to decode purchases by providing their own in-house dictionary of its products. ID the company and why they named its product so ?
- IKEA as founder Ingvar Kampard was suffered from dyslexic so who wanted to avoid relying on numbers.
- The Associated Cement Companies Ltd. or ACC Ltd.
- Fashion TV
- Nutella
- Limca
- Whirlpool Corporation
- 'Reynolds' Bombshell by Milton Reynolds
164) What was bought by GD Birla in late 1920's from Pandit Madan Mohan Malviya in 89 thousand rupees?
- Hindustan Times
- Amrutanjan Ltd.
- JK Group, Raymond
- Schweppes
- Hallmark Cards; Characters: Hoops & Yoyo
- Marmite
The name of the company was changed to X in 1966. Id Company which is one of the leading printers in the country providing complete print services ?
- Infomedia Press Ltd. Later changed to Tata Press Ltd.
157) Connect to a German company ERGO, Bennett Coleman company and 191 year old UK based 'Standard Life' company ?
- HDFC Ltd., Have a JV with Ergo (HDFC ERGO General Insurance Company Limited), In 2000, Times Bank Limited, a new private sector bank promoted by Bennett, Coleman & Co. / Times Group) merged with HDFC Bank Ltd. & Having JV with Standard Life for selling Life Insurance
156) This company was founded in 1980 in Delhi and it is world first car manufacturing company which offer exclusively handcrafted, super ultra luxury cars which are made on invitation only. It has also launched X and registered in Limca Book of Records as most expensive luxury car by any Indian car company ever. Id the company and X, first most expensive car of India ?
- Hradyesh, X (Car) Morris Street
155) Which company based on the philosophy of this Buddhist concept "a single grain of rice of a Buddhist is as great as a mountain," suggesting X wants to work from the little things, instead of starting by striving for perfection. Id the company ?
- Xiomi
154) This is a premium brand of shoes from a little-known Bangalore based company - Sara Suole. This brand known for its statement "Pity we don't make shoes for women". Id the brand ?
153) He entered into his father-in-laws business in mid 1860's. Where he was best known for his marketing efforts, he acquired the art work of John Everett painting 'Bubbles' and used it for many decades for X products. He has been called "The father of Modern Advertising". In addition to his business and advertising activity he also became Deputy Lieutenant of London and a Fellow of the Royal Microscopical and Statistical Society. Id who and brand which is remembered for its innovative initiative in sales and marketing ?
- Thomas J. Barratt , Pears Soap
152) "The Most Special Way to Say You Care" is slogan of which Indian company founded in late 1970's, went public in mid 1990's and came up with online portal in 2000. Id the company ?
- Archies
151) This company founded in mid 1930's own which well known media house ?
- The Guardian media group
150) A small group of 25 engg. moved to Japan for a top secret project in Hamamatsu in mid 1980's. The project was code named K/YN4. In 2005 they came up with X which was launched in Hungary China, European Nation and today available in 140 countries. The project of X was so secret its trail/test were carried out in the midnight. Id what has been talked about celebrated its 10th anniversary few week back ?
- Maruti Suzuki Swift
148) Real Value Appliances owned by Mr. Pheroze Engineer started operations in late 1980's bringing to the country a new concept faded out after 12 years what product did they bring to the country ?
- Fire Extinguisher
147) In September 1948, President of X country attended a conference in Geneva. As he was scheduled to fly back in an military aircraft but as embargo was imposed at the time by European countries and US, as X were embroiled in war with Arab States. This was not possible for them to use military transport aircraft so X nation had to convert its transport into a civilian plane to transport President of Nation X home and in result Y Airline was incorporated and became a national carrier in late 1940's. Which Airline is this considered to be one of the world's most secure airlines?
- Israel Airline
146) In 2012, a petition was created on the White House website through a campaign "We The People" asking to end the ban on the import and sale of X in the United States. However the petition failed to meet the required number of signatures and was therefore declined. For what the petition was filed ?
- Kinder Joy
145) A book on a corporation, completing its 150 year of its existence ? (Coincidently we are also celebrating its 150 year celebration somehow :P)
144) This famous entity was started by Kapil Ram Vakil as Okha Works with the support of Gaekwar of Baroda which was later sold to Tata for Rs 11.5 lakh. How do we know this in today world ?
- Tata Chemical
143) The company was first established as National Motor in 1937, later changed its name to Saenara Motor in 1960's. In Europe it was sold with the tagline "________ has grown up enough to become Chevrolet". Id which company it is own by GM ?
- Daewoo
142) Isak Andic is a self-made textile billionaire, whose family came to Spain from Turkey. He opened his first store in Barcelona in 1984. He later joined with fellow entrepreneur Enric Cusí and his brother and re-denominated all their stores under the name X. Name of this brand was chosen by Andic after tasting the fruit on a trip to the Philippines and for the fact that the word is pronounced the same in every language. Id which retail brand is this named after a fruit ?
- Mango
141) Reginald Myles an Australian businessman who started his road transport business which had become so successful it was threatening the freight & passenger revenue of Victorian Railway. This led the state government to legislate to put private road transport operators out of business. This inspired Myles to estd his own airline company which was under control of federal govt. and beyond the reach of state govt. Id which airline did he start named after him ?
- Ansett Australia
140) What is this business model created by A. Fluegelman for IBM in early 1980's which he described it as "an experiment in economics more than altruism" and how we know this commonly in this world?
- Shareware business model for software marketing sometime also refer as Free Trail.
139) Launched in 2012, with the theme 'World Tour' and it has featured 21 cities like NewYork, Rio de Janeiro, Sudney, Rome, Tokyo, Miami, Mumbai since its conception. Id the game founded by Denmark based company which include character like Edison, Eddy, Tony, Lucy, Alex etc
- Subway Sufer
138) This is a port city on the Red Sea coast of Yemen which was the principal port for Yemen's capital Sana'a. This is famous for being the major marketplace for a beverage from the 15th century until the early 18th century and as a result this beverage named after this port. In 17th century this beverage was so expensive only the royal family could afford this beverage. Id what variety of beverage is this ?
- Mocha
137) Id the brand from this iconic mascot has been identity of brand since 1960's ?
- Dulux
136) It was first introduced in the United States in 1983 by a person called Bethany Holroyd. How do we know this in Asia ?
- Whisper
135) This is a hexagon symbol which was originally adopted by X as its logo in 1983. It was developed from its house flag, a white rectangle divided diagonally to produce a red hourglass shape. The design of the logo was based on the cross of Saint Andrew. Id which entity logo has been described here ?
134) During the WW-II, X was portrayed as a valuable wartime food and advertising described the brand as “What active people need”. For most of its life it has been sold in a red and white wrapper but change to blue wrapper in mid 1940's due to shortage of one of its main ingredient during WWII. Id which brand ?
- Kit-Kat
133) What trademark is owned by William Longe since 1985, who is the owner of brand Leonard in Geneva which sells items like jewelry, precious stones, and timepieces of any kind etc. Id the trademark which is in news now days ?
- Apple Watch, which is not released in Switzerland
132) It is generally believed X method was first introduced by Frederic Le Play in 1829. which was further developed by the two sociologists Barney Glaser and Anselm Strauss in their research named Grounded theory in 1960's. Later this method earned great popularity in the world of education. What is this has been talked about ?
- Case Study Method
131) In 2012, a petition was created on the White House website through a campaign "We The People" asking to end the ban on the import and sale of X in the United States. However the petition failed to meet the required number of signatures and was therefore declined. For what the petition was filed ?
- Kinder Joy
130) This is an Indian book award hosted by a Mumbai based Bookstore which was instituted in 1998 with intention of competing with Booker Prize, Pulitzer Prize etc. This award has been sponsored by many companies since its inception which includes Hutch, Vodafone, The Economist and currently sponsored by Raymond Group. Id the award I am talking about ?
- Crossword Book Award
- Money-back guarantee
- Fire Extinguisher
127) A small group of 25 engg. moved to Japan for a top secret project in Hamamatsu in mid 1980's. The project was code named K/YN4. In 2005 they came up with X which was launched in Hungary China, European Nation and today available in 140 countries. The project of X was so secret its trail/test were carried out in the midnight. Id what has been talked about celebrated its 10th anniversary few week back ?
- Maruti Suzuki Swift
126) This is a premium brand of shoes from a little-known Bangalore based company - Sara Suole. This brand known for its statement "Pity we don't make shoes for women". Id the brand ?
- Xiomi
124) As X may not have been the best choice for astronauts as the flakes of it drift in microgravity where they could pose threat to the astronauts and equipment in space station. An American inventor and politician Paul Fisher came up with Y and in mid 1960's patented this as AG-7. After its successful use NASA and Soviet Space Agency ordered this in bulk for there future projects. ID the what I am talking about ?
- The Space Pen / Zero Gravity Pen, by Fisher Space Pen Company
123) Which Asian company derive its name from a German novel "The Sorrows of Young Werther" after a character in it. As the character in this novel stole the hearts of many of its readers worldwide consequently company also strives to deeply move the hearts of each and every customer of theirs. Id the company?
- Lotte
122) This 5-star hotel opened recently in Japan near Nagasaki by a Japanese businessman Hideo Sawada. The hotel is named Henn na Hotel, which means ‘change’ or ‘strange’ in Japanese, set in a theme park that is modelled on a quaint Dutch town. What is so special about this new hotel opened recently ?
- World's 1st hotel to be fully managed by Robots/ Humanoids.
121) Which airline in India has launched a contest 'Cook and Fly' for aspiring chefs across the country and a favourite recipe will be selected to be a part of its In-flight menu ?
- Lufthansa
120) Mash Donald, Pizza Hat, Raees Coffee (Replica of Starbucks), Super Star inspired by Carl's Jr., Subways are the replica of famous US based fast food chains these are the brands in which country ?
- Iran
119) In the Retail industry what does "MOJO" stand for, a strategy to compete with E-commerce companies ?
- Match online Join Offline
- Dr. Reddy's Laboratories
117) Whose motto is "Bahujan Hitaya Bahujan Sukhaya" which claim to reach nearly 92% of the country’s area and serving 99.19 % of the total population of this country. Id the entity ?
- All India Radio
- Arby's
115) Until 2013 all the versions of X were named after Big Cats ( Cheetah, Puma, Jaguar, Lion, Tiger, Leopard, Panther etc), Initially these were code named internally but after immense buzz about its codename in the market company began using the codename openly to promote its promote its product. Id the company and its product sold under these name ?
- Apple Mac OS
114) X is a brand name in its category, Y an Italian machinery which own the right of this trade name all over the world. The name of X derived from a river which run adjacent to it production site. In 1970's Govt. of India bought the machinery design & copyright and started manufacturing it under the name 'Vijay' and improved version which fall in different segment under the name 'Vikram' for domestic market. Id what I am talking, which was designed by D'Ascanio and brought the revolution in the industry ?
- Lambretta motor scooters by Innocenti
113) X is a chain of department stores operating throughout Great Britain. which opened in 1864 in Oxford Street. X price list was used by House of Commons officials to determine whether an expense claim item submitted by an MP was within reasonable cost. As X list was prepared on the bases of prices of items of X store and amount used to be reimburse accordingly. Id this departmental store using slogan "Never Knowingly Undersold" which has been in use since 1925 ?
- John Lewis its list is known as John Lewis List
112) Which company in-house brands are Rangmanch, Trishaa, Akkriti, Ajile, Honey, Chalk, Mini Klup which opened its business in 1997 in Kolkata ?
- Pantaloons (formerly of Future Group, now owned by The Aditya Birla Group)
111) Getit Infomedia had launched X first campaign in 2013-14 with Ranbir Kapoor positioning the brand as "baap of all app" recently they have come up with the new campaign that and positioning itself as "baap of all trend" What I am talking about?
- Askme.com
110) What is "Volkswagen Law" which was passed by German Govt. in 1960 but it was struck down by the European Court of Justice in 2007 on the ground of it illegally restricted the free movement of capital in European markets. What is this Volkswagen Law?
- This law limiting the share of any other stockholder to 20 percent, regardless of how many shares owned, the law effectively protected the company from any attempt at a hostile takeover.
109) Which online travel brand derived its name from a combination of “exploration and speed”?
- Expedia
- "A Diamond Is Forever"
107) This is a deceptive business practice used by a company to inflate its sales and earnings figures by deliberately sending retailers along its distribution channel more products than they are able to sell to the public. What term is referred for such business practices ?
- Channel Stuffing
106) Launched in 2012, with the theme 'World Tour' and it has featured 21 cities like NewYork, Rio de Janeiro, Sudney, Rome, Tokyo, Miami, Mumbai since its conception. Id the game founded by Denmark based company which include character like Edison, Eddy, Tony, Lucy, Alex etc
- Subway Sufer
105) What is this business model created by A. Fluegelman for IBM in early 1980's which he described it as "an experiment in economics more than altruism" and how we know this commonly in this world ?
- Shareware business model for software marketing sometime also refer as Free Trail.
104) It adv by which company ?

- Bombay Dying
103) This award is given for Interactive advertising, Online movie and video's etc. This award is famous for a unique tradition followed by its recipient in their speeches. Some of the speeches delivered on this award are as follows :-
"Made possible by Mitt Romney." - Obama
"Curiosity kills ignorance. Encourage Science." -- NASA's Curiosity Rover.
"F--k yeah. F--k yeah. F--k." -Tumblr
Id the award and what is this unique tradition ?
- Webby award, 5 word speech
102) Miller Life Beer commemorating 110 years of its brand along with X by introducing these beer cans. Id what is X ?

- Harley Davidson
101) This was first introduced in late 1880's by Dr G. Raupenstrauch to assist in eradicate cholera epidemic in Germany. In 1918 during the Spanish Flu Pandemic this was adv as an effective countermeasure to the influenza virus. Acc.to some resources, it was also used as a birth control measure. What is this I am talking about which is owned by R&B which is one of the largest player in its market ?
- Lysol
100) The Brazilian Senate approved a bill in 2012 which was nick named 'Budweiser Bill'. What is this Bill all about ?
- Budweiser is a major Soccer World Cup sponsor, as the sale of alcohol inside stadiums was barred in Brazil so to allow alcohol inside stadium this bill was passed to allow Budweiser to sell its product.
99) Id this book is about which brand ?

- Ben & Jerry Book
98) This retail giant is operating two sophisticated criminal forensics laboratories, one at its headquarters and the other in Las Vegas. Originally, the lab was created with the role of investigating internal instances of theft and fraud and other criminal actions that have occurred on its own properties. Eventually the company started offering free services to law enforcement agencies like FBI, US secret service etc across country. Id this Retail giant ?
- Target
97) This phrase earlier used to be slogan for Ritz Hotel which was later popularised by the H.G. Selfridge, J. Wanamaker and Marshall Field. Id what common phrase I am talking ?
- Customer is always Right
96) The Coca Cola Corporation is the world largest customer of Natural Vanilla, when the New Coke was introduced in mid 1980's which used synthetic vanilla instead of real vanilla as a result X economy crashed with the launch of this New Coke as the demand for real Vanilla saw steep decline in decline as this country was renowned for its high quality vanilla which is the world's leading exporter of this commodity and accounting half of global production. But recovered after New Coke flopped. Id which Country was this ?
- Madagascar
95) The name of this brand when literally translated means "master of hunters". This used to be a job title for those who had high ranking official in charge of matters related to hunting. Id which famous German herbal Liqueur brand which logo depict "Oh Dear God" ?
- Jägermeister
94) Which hospitality brand known for this credo, "We are Ladies and Gentlemen Serving Ladies and Gentlemen" ?
- Ritz & Carlton
93) What is this in India came in existence in 1964, discontinued in 2000 named after queen of Chittor. Rajinikanth, Dev Anand, Amir Khan were its users. The most recent appearence of this appeared in John Abraham and Nana Patekar movie Taxi No. 9211. Id what I am talking about ?
- Premier “Padmini”
92) This idea of this marketing tool came to some young executive of mCheck when they were in flight going to Bangalore. Today this marketing tool became a unique selling proposition for the company X, founded in 2010. Advertiser often use this tool for sampling or get response about there product. The first time the service went viral was during the 2011 Cricket World Cup in India Pakistan match. Id this company and the concept it is ?
- Company : ZipDial , Concept : Missed-call marketing
- South Korea
90) This hospitality brand started in 1927 as a beer seller in Washington. As the founder of this company was faithful member of Mormon Church, sought to share the church's teachings with others by placing a copy of this book (in visual) in each hotel room alongside a copy of Bible. a tradition that has endured for a long time. Id this hospitality brand ?
- Marriott Corporation
- Kevin Roberts, CEO of Ad agency Saatchi & Saatchi
88) This website first came online in 1997, it was created by Rasom Scott. Later right to use this website was acquired by D Parisi who run this as an adult website claim to have earned around $1 million a year from this. Later this website was sold to an Real Estate company which advertised its properties on it. But as of 2010 (even today) this website displayed google adv and links to the predominantly dating sites. Id which website I am talking about?
- Whitehouse.com
87) In 1920's Queen Marie of Romania visited to the US, she enjoyed a product so much that she wrote to the company to supply its product to its country as well. Her letter was in turn was used for advertising this product and she joined the list of celebrities who had previously sponsored this product ?
- Pond's
86) This energy drink X was marketed by the Redux Beverages which was objected by the FDA in 2007 due to its unfortunate name which was doing illegal marketing of street drug and had to withdraw this drink from the market just after its launch. But it was back on the shelves after few month. ID this drink which sold under No Label temporarily ?
- Cocaine Energy Drink
85) Which company planned to donate for this pose (in pic) to the Gridiron Greats (a non-profit that helps retired NFL players), $10,000 during the regular season, $25,000 for the playoffs and $100,000 in the Super Bowl. But NFL banned this practise. Id which brand is this approaching players to give this pose as it is there identity in 2009 ?
- Captain Morgan
84) Can You id the what this Chief Marketing officer is selling ?
- Oldspice
83) Which well known US brand printing these interesting facts on the inside of their bottle caps ?
- Snapple
82) While riding in a train in New York City in 1896, X saw a sign advertising '21 styles of shoes' which inspired X to have similar number for his company as well and use a two digit number depicting number of variety of product company is offering to their customer. Today the company has more than 5,700 products in its basket around the globe but this number is still continue as a part of their campaign. Id the company and which number it is ?
- Heinz, 57 varieties.
83) This is an advertising strategy in which company directly reached to the customer to promote its product rather than promoting its product through radio, Television, print media or on Internet. What is the term used for such adv strategies ?
- Below the Line Advertisement
82) What is this communication app introduced in March 2014 which first became popular in in Iraq following government restrictions on internet use and thereafter during the Hong Kong protests as this app don't need internet to work. Id which app is this known as "mesh network" among its user ?
- Firechat
81) How we know such strategy when a firm, to avoid the competion concentrate on innovation or doing a business in unknown industry where no firms operate in so that they can expand freely without competition. How we know such strategy ?
- Blue Ocean Strategy by W. Chan Kim and Renée Mauborgne
80) This certification programme was introduced in France in 1985 as a pilot scheme in which French municipalities of different-2 region were awarded with this certification on the basis of sewage treatment, water quality provided by them to their citizen. Today this certification is awarded in which field on the basis of somehow similar to the earlier standard ?
- Blue Flag certification for beaches.
79) What product idea was this, conceived by a salesman working in "Crown Cork and Seal Compny" when he noticed bottle caps are always thrown away after bottle is used. And he recognized the opportunity in a business of X product which is used a few times, then tossed away. Id the what came in existence which today has become a general need of everyone ?
- Saftey Razor by King C. Gillette
78) Variey of its product are sold under X trademark in India which is owned by a Govt entity, there are around 90 trademarks which have been registered under X name within India. A German based company has also registered its product under X name in several EU countries and US which sells Shampoos, soap, oil, gel etc under this brand name. Id what trademark is this Indian govt. set to dispute over it?
- Khadi
- Dior Fashion House named after Christian Dior
76) Which mythical figure is this first time appeared in poetry of Phillis Wheatley in mid 1770's. Later the name of this figure rapidly came to be applied to many iteams, institution and brand which reflect American Identity. Id what historical firgure is this ?
- Columbia
75) This product was originally part of the Borden Company, which was its first no food consumer product introduced in 1947. Which is made from a proteins commonly found in milk. The brand was named after a bull who was the mate of Borden adv mascot "Elsie the Cow". Id what product is this which is the best selling iteam in US ?
- Elmer Glue
74) In 1962, a professional manufacturing association known as the Hawaiian Fashion Guild began to promote this attire for use in the workplace, particularly as business attire and name this campaign as "Operation Liberation". Subsequently, a resolution passed in the Senate recommending this to be worn throughout the summer to support the state garment industry. Id what attire and how we know them better ?
- Hawaiian Shirt
73) Alfred Peet a Dutch American Entrepreneur who was the inspiration for which brand ?
72) This product became most noted due to an advertising campaign in the late 1980s in which fashion models said, "Don't hate me because I'm beautiful." Id which brand adv was this ?
- Panteen
70) X is a Latin word whose meaning is light, a symbol of luxury. X was launched in the United States(1925) and in the United Kingdom(1928) as a toilet Soap. For what purpose it was introduced in India and what ?
- Lux
69) An Immigrant Sol Koffler founded this company in Rhode Island in 1930's with his life savings. In 1970, company launched a memorable ad campaign, highlighting the durability of its product by unleashing a "gorilla" (actually a man in a costume) commercial ran for last fifteen years. Id this company which was acquired by Astrum International in 1993 ?
- American Tourister
68) After considering Alan Alda, Beverly Sills, Kermit the Frog, and Billy Martin as celebrity endorsers, X chose Billy Scudder to play the role of Y for a series of popular advertisements. What is X & Y here ?
- IBM and Charlie Chapline
- Chicken Manchurian at Cricket Club of India
66) This company faced challenging time during 2008 as it had to closed its 900 shops. As a result its previous CEO X rejoined the company after a gap of eight years replacing Jim Donald. X soon embarked on a technology-oriented strategy, adopted community involvement concept where employees were asked to share ideas, "My _______ Idea" was rolled out for its customers asked about their opinion on everything such as products, services, layout, advertising, corporate social responsibility etc. This strategy was a hit and the company embarked on the path of connecting with large number of customer by creating communities like 'free Wi-Fi group', 'soy group', 'comfy chair group' etc. And this strategy helped the brand to gain its lost ground. Id the company I am talking about ?
- Starbuck
- L'oreal
64) After which American physicist the trademark of this product is named, a famous company was founded consequently by him in 1913 to sell these product worldwide, Aircraft Pilot, Doctors & Sea Explorer were the main customer of this brand in that time and today it has become household brand ?
- Stanley Bottel invented by William Stanley
63) The More & Company is a proprietor firm engaged in manufacturing, supplying, distributing and exporting of these item since 1971. Previously these item were known as Kapashi, Paytaan, Kachkadi, Bakkalnali, and Pukari. Id what I am talking about ?
- Kolhapuri Chapple
62) The credit for X goes to Ram Sampath’s (from the Delhi Belly fame) composition and Amitabh Bhattacharya’s who penned "Bhaag Bhaag DK Bose" lyric, Ram Madhvani (from the Happy Dent TVC fame). What is I am talking about ?
- Har ek Friend Zaroori hota hai (Aitel Ad)
- Parle G and the location is Vile Parle
60) It is Nandini in Karnataka, Saras in Rajasthan and Mahananda in Maharashtra are result of influence from what ?
- Amul, Kurien's idea of having farmers own the brand went a long way This is the reason state federations now have their own brands
59) In the early 1990s, former General Electric (GE) chief executive Jack Welch declared that "70:70:70" would be his company's rule for outsorcing and offsoring. Which mean 70% of your processes should be outsourced, 70 % of the outsourced processes should be offshore. What's the final part of the rule 70% stand for ?
- 70 % of the offshore outsourced processes should be done in India
- The Dell Theory of Conflict Prevention, an updated version of The Golden Arches Theory of Conflict Prevention
57) In the 1930's, Rear Admiral Richard Byrd explored the Antarctic, and X who generously supported his expeditions. Richard Byrd named this mountain range after X in recognition of his consistent support. The X Mountains rise to a height of 9,000 feet toward the southern extreme of the Ross Ice Shelf Antarctic. Tell me after whom this mountain was named (he shares his name with a famous brand which was founded by him)
- William Horlicks. Horlick Mountain
56) Which country PM said this - "We had two pillars we stood on: one was the IT industry, the other one was the paper industry," & both have been crushed by the X innovation, X has knocked out our biggest corp. of our nation and the Y technology knocked out the forestry business in our country. ID which country PM said these words and to whom ?
- Finnish Prime Minister Alexander Stubb to Steve Job, X is I-Phone and Y is I-Pad
55) Connect:- Scandinavian Airlines, Thai Airways International, Air Canada, Lufthansa, and United Airlines ?
- Star Airline, five airlines from three continents came together to launch Star Alliance.
54) Which brand of cigarette advertised itself as "less irritating to the throat" in one of its 1940's print ad. Claimed that "When smokers changed to X, every case of nose or throat irritation due to smoking either cleared up completely or definitely improved. Which brand is this ?
- Philip Morris
53) This outfit was the first service uniform registered with the United States Patent and Trademark Office, which was made from rayon-satin. This costume comes in 10 colors and numerous sizes, but without the collar and cuffs. Name tags and rosettes were added to the costume in 1961. This costume has been modified several time throughout the years to reflect current fashion. Today, this costume has become become a corporate identity of a famous brand. What I am talking about ?
- Bunny Costume
52) The corporate HQ of which company is known as the "One Earth" ?
- Suzlon Energy
-Ingersoll watches
Recently in Jan 2014 this site is blocked in Turkey, without stating any reasons. In May 2014, Indonesia had banned this video sharing site, claiming that it hosted “pornographic” content, causing an outcry among local users. Id which site is this ?
- Vimeo
- Tihar Jail
48) Which Calcutta-based internet service provider announced in 1999 that it would be the first free Internet service provider in the country ?
- Caltiger.com
47) Which fragrance company campaigns featured models Shelley Hack, Charly Stember, and, notably Naomi Sims, making Sims the first African American woman in history to be featured in a cosmetic company's advertising. Oprah Winfrey dedicated a segment of her talk show in 2007 to discuss the impact of this brand advertising. Id the brand they all endorsed for ?
- Charlie produced by the American cosmetic and perfume house Revlon named after Charlie Revson
46) The inspiration for this product came about following a challenge by the Ford Foundation to improve children's fitness's by improving urban playing surface. Later X was invented in 1960's by two employees of the Chemstrand Company (now Monsanto Textiles Company) to solve this ?
- AstroTurf
45) Which brand first introduced in 1926, marketed as a "white, pure soap for women," as many soaps of the time were colored to mask impurities ?
- Camay
44) Westinghouse who bought it in 1969 and sold it in 1978 to Philip Morris who in turn sold it in 1986 to a group led by the investment firm Hicks & Haas. What I am talking about ?
- 7Up
43) He fulfilled his dream of selling chocolates to the masses by opening his laboratory in Alba. As this brand grows in popularity throughout world, the brand becomes known for its distinctive gold foil wrapper, the unique premium packaging. Id him and which brand ?
- Pietro Ferrero, Ferrero Rocher
42) Which US Book retailer known for selling its teddy bear named "Barnsie"?
- Barnes & Noble
41) In 2012 which company re-branded its International Coffee and Tea business as D.E MASTER BLENDERS 1753 and North American Retail and Food service business as Hillshire Brands Company?
- Sara Lee
40) What marketing strategy was invented by Brownie Wise, who developed it for the Tupperware company in the early 1950's. and became the reason of success of Tupperware ?
- The party plan or hostess parties, a method of marketing the products by hosting a social event at some place during which a product will be demonstrated.
39) About what brand/product is Mahatma Gandhi reported to have remarked, ``One of the few useful things invented''?
- Singer Swing Machine
- Montblanc Pen, for its 149 Fountain Pen.
37) In one of its marketing strategy this product was specially designed for every American soldier in WW-II, with ads touting on it “every man in khaki ought to have one". In response, US Govt gave order of 36 million of its product. What ?
- Gillette
36) Which famous beer brand consistently promote by saying "Probably the best beer in the world"?
- Carlsberg
35)There is a little bit of _________ in everybody life. Punchline of which company. Fill in the blank ?- - SAIL

- Zipper manufacturing organisation.
33) Which famous brand is endorsed by the following sportspersons among others: Sachin Tendulkar, Anna Kournikova, Ato Bolden and Martina Hingis?
- Adidas
32) Which company’s corporate responsibility mission is “Commitment to Playing Responsibly”?
- Mattel, the world’s largest toy maker.
31) This famous pain-killer was introduced in 1933 by Roche and is currently marketed in India by Nicholas Piramal. Name the brand?
- Seridon
30) What is the brand of Penguin books specifically targeted at children called?
- Puffin Books
29) "Parivar" is the in house magazine of which corporation ?
28) Which Hong Kong-based hospitality firm got its name from a fictional place situated in Tibet
mountains in an English novel "Lost Horizon"?
- Shangri-la
27) Reliance Drishti is first of its kind registered entity in India. What is this entity is all about ?
26) Innovation Delivered tagline of _______ ?
- Diebold
25) Hindustan Lever Limited had to change its name to Hindustan Unilever Ltd. Why ?
- HLL was already acronym of HLL Lifecare Limited (formerly Hindustan Latex Limited) which manufacture Contraceptive product.
24) Which brand identity was developed around the idea of "adding vitality to life."
23) Lalita ji is famous character endorsing a household brand by saying, " _________ ki kharidari mein hi samajdari hai" fill in the blank ?
- Surf Excel
22) Which brand has started campaign "U & Me Against Dengue" with the Govt Hospitals and agencies and successfully running this campaign in Malaysia, Bangladesh, India and Sri Lanka ?
-Mortein NaturGard.
-Mortein NaturGard.
21) Which was the first Indian PSU to be listed in the NYSE?
-VSNL now known as Tata Telecommunication
20) "Online shopping for towns" is slogan of which online retail brand ?
- Fabmart.com
19) What was created in 1997 as 'Tricon Global Restaurants, Inc' ?
- Yum!Brand
18) Which famous brand right are held by Dr Pepper Snapple Group in US and by Pepsi in rest of the world ?
- 7Up
17) With which management consultancy would you associate the 7-S strategy framework consisting of Structure, Strategy, Systems, Shared Values, Skills, Style and Staff?
- McKinsey
16) "The world is our home, You are our Guest" is the tagline of which company ?
- Etihad Airways
15) As the person at the other end on phone is unable to get X name correct. Overhearing this, one of the employees agrees to help him spell it out X name as : “H for Hitler, A for Arrogant, R for Rascal, I for Idiot”, Who is this person X refereed here and which company adv would u associate it with ?
- Hari Sadu, Nakuri.com
14) Travel + Leisure and Food & Wine are magazine published by an US corporation, last year acquired by Times Inc. Which US group is this used to publish it?
- American Express
13) Which company is originally known as Precision Optical Industry Co. Which changed its name in 1969 and today better known as _________ ?
12) In 1965, Fred DeLuca borrowed $1,000 from friend Peter Buck to start "Pete's Super Submarines", and in the following year they formed Doctor's Associates Inc to oversee operations of this restaurants as the franchise expanded. In 1968 this restaurant started known as _________ ?
11) Ken Thomas, an Australian businessman who, in 1946, set up his own transport business with just a single truck. How we know this company today ?
10) Which Japanese brand has partnered with Pogo for an association with the cartoon character, Chhota Bheem, for its campaign.
9) Which global talent development company. It was started in 1982 as a computer education training institute by IIT Delhi graduates, Rajendra S. Pawar and Vijay K. Thadani?
8) Dove sold as _______ in the United Kingdom, Isle of Man, India, Indonesia, Ireland and the Middle East) is brand of chocolate made & marketed by the Mars company
7) Karen Lunel, an air-hostess with Air India, was chosen as the first-ever model for_____ ?
-Liril Soap of HUL.
6) What started its life in Britain as Morris Oxford but with a quick name changed it went to became one of the India most enduring vehicles. Which also won a race organised by Top Gear ?
- Hindustan Motor Ambassdor
5) This brand was established as Rampur Distillery in 1943. But later a teetotaller bought it from Vishnu Hari Dalmia for 16 lakh in 1972. How we know it today ?
-Radico Khaitan
4) Which company’s CEO once said “I have changed the face of mankind the most” ?
- Gillette
3) Which Indian brand derives its name from a foreign phrase that denotes person of refined taste who know how to enjoy it?
-Taj Vivanta
2) This magazine was started back in 1929 just before a week of the stock market crash. In 2000s it was acquired by the Bloomberg. Id which magazine is this ?
-Business Week.
1) X communications service was launched on November 1, 1998. The logo of the company was designed by Landor Associates, and represents the Big Dipper. Id this company?
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