94) This person who started X in 1928. He is considered pioneere of organised distribution chain in India. He started distribution of wide range of products and brands like Cadbury, Kiwi, Kraft, Sunlight, Lifebuoy, Lux, Ponds, Brylcreem, Kellogg's, Horlicks, Sheaffer & many more.
Today this group spans 30 product categories with 7 group companies and a turnover that crosses 30 Billion rupees. ID which business house in India, named after its founder ?
93) It is mostly known as the predecessor of Wikipedia (logo of this given below), which had a seven-step approval process to control content of articles before being posted rather than live wiki-based updating. Id this entity ?
- Neopedia
92) X was started by Ryosuke Namiki, a professor from Japan in mid 1950's along with Masao Wada under the name Namiki Manufacturing Company which later also entered into Jewelry business and changed its name to X which is its present name. ID the brand ?
- Pilot Corporation
91) During World War II the Boston-based National Research Corporation (NRC) developed high-vacuum evaporation processes for dehydrating penicillin, blood plasma, and streptomycin for U.S. Army. The U.S. Army wanted to extend this technological advance into the area of providing its troops nutritious food. So in result NRC created anew branch named Florida Foods Corp later it changed its named to Vacuum Foods Corporation. How do we know this brand today in India ?
- Minute Maid
90) X is an Indian English-language broadsheet daily newspaper founded in 1875 and published simultaneously in various cities of India. It is a direct descendant of two newspapers, The Englishman(1821) and The Friend of India(1818) which later merged with X. It was managed by a British corporate group until it transferred ownership to the Tata Group, with J.R.D. Tata as Chairman in the mid-1960s. Which Daily Newspaper it is owned by Nachiketa Publications ?
- The Statesman
89) Reginald Myles an Australian businessman who started his road transport business which had become so successful it was threatening the freight & passenger revenue of Victorian Railway. This led the state government to legislate to put private road transport operators out of business. This inspired Myles to estd his own airline company which was under control of federal govt. and beyond the reach of state govt. Id which airline did he start named after him ?
- Ansett Australia
88) Isak Andic is a self-made textile billionaire, whose family came to Spain from Turkey. He opened his first store in Barcelona in 1984. He later joined with fellow entrepreneur Enric Cusí and his brother and re-denominated all their stores under the name X. Name of this brand was chosen by Andic after tasting the fruit on a trip to the Philippines and for the fact that the word is pronounced the same in every language. Id which retail brand is this named after a fruit ?
- Mango
87) The company was first established as National Motor in 1937, later changed its name to Saenara Motor in 1960's. In Europe it was sold with the tagline "________ has grown up enough to become Chevrolet". Id which company it is own by GM ?
- Daewoo
86) This famous entity was started by Kapil Ram Vakil as Okha Works with the support of Gaekwar of Baroda which was later sold to Tata for Rs 11.5 lakh. How do we know this in today world ?
- Tata Chemical
85) This is an Indian Conglomerate Company founded by Dr. Ramachandra Naidu Galla in mid 1980's. Group having its presence in packaged foods, beverages, infrastructure sector, metals product etc. But this group is better known for its brand X which is second largest selling product in its segment. Id the group and brand X ? ( logo of group given below)
- Amara Raja Group and battery brand 'Amaron'
84) A book on a corporation, completing its 150 year of its existence ? (Coincidently we are also celebrating its 150 year celebration somehow :P)
83) In September 1948, President of X country attended a conference in Geneva. As he was scheduled to fly back in an military aircraft but as embargo was imposed at the time by European countries and US, as X were embroiled in war with Arab States. This was not possible for them to use military transport aircraft so X nation had to convert its transport into a civilian plane to transport President of Nation X home and in result Y Airline was incorporated and became a national carrier in late 1940's. Which Airline is this considered to be one of the world's most secure airlines?
- Israel Airline
82) X was originally founded in Sweden by two frustrated music lovers having its headquarter in the Berlin. The founders initially aspired to allow musicians to share recordings with each other, but the concept later transformed into a full publishing tool that also allowed musicians to distribute their music tracks. The Government of Turkey blocked its access in 2014 when several phone call conversations were leaked of Turkish Prime Minister on X. Id what I am talking about ?
- SoundCloud
81) Give me overall Connection ?
- The Sunday Guradian both are founder of it
80) This company founded in mid 1930's own which well known media house ?
- The Guardian media group
79) This is the only Central Government Public Sector undertaking engaged in the manufacture of salt. The Company started its business in January 1959. It was formed to take over the salt sources at Sambhar, Didwana and Kharaghoda earlier managed by the Salt Department, Government of India. Name this company.
- Hindustan Salts Limited (HSL)
78) This magazine was founded in 1883 in New York by J.A Mitchell & A.Miller. Later sold to TIME in mid 1930's who ran this as weekly until 1972, as an intermittent "special" until 1978, and as a monthly from 1978 to 2002. It was launched again as weekly newspaper from 2004-2007 & later tried to create its online presence but couldn't take off successfully. Id which magazine which is best known for the work of Alfred Eisenstaedt in mid 40's ?
- Life
77) The company was started in 1969 in Australia originally produced surfboards. Then in the early 70's they began to produce wetsuits. Today, It has become one of the biggest surf wear brands across the globe. The name of this brand was taken from a vee-bottom surfboard that founder of this company bought in 1968, upon which he'd written "_______ Hot Dog." Id the brand which is considered as "Big Three" in its category ?
- Rip Curl
76) This name originally used in 1880's by a California foods distributor to designate a premium blend of coffee prepared for the Hotel X. Later X brand was introduced when the firm diversified its business and selected X as the brand name for its canned product. This brand remain a part of many well known companies like RJR Nabisco, KKR, Merrill Lynch, P&G, Kraft etc. Which brand is this having presence in India in a JV with Bharti Enterprises ?
- Del Monte Food

75) J. Shah started a book distribution company in mid 1940's. This publishing house name mean in English is 'Victory' as the independence was around, he named the company so. It was India first publisher of paperback books in English Language & in 1960's also claimed first houses in India to publish English translations of non-English writings by Indian authors. Which publishing house is this publisher of world transforming authors such as Robin Sharma, Stephen Hawking, Dalai Lama, Ravi Shanker Khushwant Shing Brain Tracy etc.
- Jaico Publishing House
- Financial Times (FT)
73) This company was founded in Florida by Pat Sher, Jack Kopkin and Stephen Dougherty. The company by-line says this-"Taking care of business". Some of their in-house brands are Ativa, Café Delray, Foray, RealSpace, and TUG. Identify the company being discussed.
- Office Depot, Inc
72) What was founded by E. E. Moreau who came to Allahabad as a representative of Bird & Company, He and Allahabad Railway Station one day, keenly observed the attitude of the long-distance travellers, especially the English and founded a famous publishing house X. Realizing the suitability and impact of using an English name for his firm, he approached Arthur Henry to lend his name and goodwill as he was already a well-established figure in the England. Id which publishing house which is better known for some other similar business activity.
- A.H Wheeler
71) Tata Steel entered into an agreement with Stewarts & Lloyds of UK to manufacture and sell ____, made from steel supplied by the Tata Iron & Steel Company in India. In 1985 ____ merged with the Tata Steel and now a Strategic business Unit of it. Name the company.
- Indian Tube Company
70) This company was founded in 1870's by an Austrian immigrant John Michael when he acquired the Sheboygan Union Iron and Steel Foundry from his father-in-law for $5K. Some of its early products included cast iron and steel farm implements, ornamental iron pieces including cemetery crosses etc. The company major break through came in 1883 when they were working on an iron horse trough and got an idea to create X products and have been in its business since then. The company is also in hospitality business operates a resort in US called "The American Club" . Id which company ?
- Kohler
69) Italy’s billionaire Agnelli family own the majority share in this group along with Cadburys, Rothschilds and Schroder families. Id which group I am talking about ?
- The Economist
68) Which London-based Group founded in mid 1910's, started out as a moneylender before expanding the business to include imports of dried fruit, jute, textiles and tea. The business grew steadily under the late shah of Iran as they were having large presence in Iran and continued to flourish even after Islamic Revolution forced it to move to Europe. It is now a multibillion-dollar energy, transport, media and agriculture conglomerate. The company had been in a bidding war to acquire the Express Newspapers group, and is one of several bidders for Go, British Airways’ low-cost airline. Id which famous conglomerate having large presence in India also ?
- Hinduja Group
67) Which retail store was founded by Mr.Selvarathinam in Chennai in late 1990's, which is today largest family owned business retail chain in India. According to Kishore Biyani, it is India’s No 1 retail store in one locality. Which retail chain is this entered in ice cream business in mid 2000's under brand name "Jamai" ?
- Saravana Stores
66) This California-based beverage brand founded in early 1990's designates its employees as "ministers", customer as "citizens" and retail outlets as "embassies". Which beverage brand is this founded by Mel and Patricia Ziegler (founder of 'Banana Republic')?
- . The Republic of Tea
65) Which company was started by all of them ?
- United Artist ( Douglas Fairbanks, Mary Pickford,Charlie Chaplin, and D. W. Griffith)
64) In Oct 1977, a post office was started in one of the village of Bikaner district. The postmaster was given 80 rupees extra every month than the normal budget in form of maintenance allowance. Id why this 80 rupees were given to the post office which grabbed much media attention in those days as it was first of kind of experiment done by India Post Office?
- Mobile Camel Post office
63) This person who started X in 1928. He is considered pioneere of organised distribution chain in India. He started distribution of wide range of products and brands like Cadbury, Kiwi, Kraft, Sunlight, Lifebuoy, Lux, Ponds, Brylcreem, Kellogg's, Horlicks, Sheaffer & many more.
Today this group spans 30 product categories with 7 group companies and a turnover that crosses 30 Billion rupees. ID which business house in India, named after its founder ?
62) Which company was started by all of them ?
- United Artist ( Douglas Fairbanks, Mary Pickford,Charlie Chaplin, and D. W. Griffith)
61) This is an US based fast food restaurant chain founded in 1921 generally credited as the 1st fast food chain in US. It is well known for its four square hamburger sometime referred it as "Slyder". In 2014 Time magazine labelled X burgers to be most influential burger of all time. Success of this restaurants made many imitators to start their own restaurant chain with similar name and copied its distinctive architecture of X building. Id which restaurant chain it is ?
- White Castle
60) Which restaurant chain was started by R S Kamath in mid 1980's as a small store in Juhu in Mumbai which has been endorsed by several celebrities, including Amitabh Bachchan, Dilip Kumar and Vivian Richards on various platforms.
- Natural ice cream
59) X was an Ireland based company founded by L. Auchincloss. This was acquired by Unilever in late 1980's which it sold to ICI (Imperial Chemical Ind) in 1997. Later a Scotsman bought the share from ICI and became one of the major shareholder of this company along with Y in India. Id which company it is came in India in 1978 ?
- Biocon
58) X began in response to disaster in form of earthquake, tsunami and nuclear crisis that struck northeast Japan in 2011 which disrupted phone lines across the country and damaged telecommunication infrastructure nationwide, obliging employees at a Korean company Naver Corporation, rely on internet based resources to communicate. The company engg. developed something to cope up with this situation and later it was released in the market and got huge success in a short period. Id what was started ?
- Line App
57) After the World War I, this company became bankrupt due to financial losses incurred by speculating on the wildly fluctuating sugar prices, and was acquired by R.C. Megargel but failed to run this company and once again it went bankrupt but was bought by an American businessman C Guth who was an executive of an US based candy company, he was the man most responsible for making this company what it is today. Id this brand ?
- Pepsi
56) This retail giant is operating two sophisticated criminal forensics laboratories, one at its headquarters and the other in Las Vegas. Originally, the lab was created with the role of investigating internal instances of theft and fraud and other criminal actions that have occurred on its own properties. Eventually the company started offering free services to law enforcement agencies like FBI, US secret service etc across country. Id this Retail giant ?
- Target
55) The adv agency of this company suggested "Lasers" as its name but it was J G Muir Sales Manager for the company, who coined the name for this brand and named it after a cornmeal (dish prepared like a bread roll) which is usually served by hunters, fisherman, military person to feed their dogs mostly in Southern US. It is also served as a side dish/snacks usually at seafood restaurants mostly. Id which US based fashion brand is this shared its name with a meal ?
- Hush Puppy
54) This company was started as a distributor of Onitsuka Tiger Shoes in US. When Founder of X visited Japan in 1963 he was impressed by Onitsuka Tiger shoes with their high quality, he immediately visited Onitsuka Tiger office asked to be their sales agent in US. Id what company came in existence in result ?
- Nike
53) The Coca Cola Corporation is the world largest customer of Natural Vanilla, when the New Coke was introduced in mid 1980's which used synthetic vanilla instead of real vanilla as a result X economy crashed with the launch of this New Coke as the demand for real Vanilla saw steep decline in decline as this country was renowned for its high quality vanilla which is the world's leading exporter of this commodity and accounting half of global production. But recovered after New Coke flopped. Id which Country was this ?
- Madagascar
52) This was the first of its kind place came in existence way back in 1510's in Mecca but was banned because it started attracting political gatherings. Later this was opened in Damascus in 1530 and not long after there were many such places in Cario even. After the introduction in Europe it quickly became very popular, first of such venue was opened in Venice in 1629, in England first time it was set up in 1652 in Oxford by a Jewish named Jacob and in America had its first in Boston in 1676. Id what place I am talking about which gave birth to number of financial institution in this world ?
- Cafe (Coffe House)
51) X began as a family magazine launched in mid 1880's by Schlicht & Field & today it is published by Hearst Corp. In 1890's this magazine was available at free of cost to the students. Some of the person who have contributed for this magazine were Annie Besant, Theodore Dreiser, Rudyard Kipling, Mark Twain, Ernest Hemingway etc. Id the magazine ?
- Cosmopolitan
50) When the founder of the company, X was on a visit to Burma, he saw restless elephants being fed with a root of a plant named Rouwolfia Serpentina which helped to placate them. Inspired by its effect on elephants this young man brought the world first anti-hypertensive drug in 1934. Id the person and company he founded ?
- HImalaya Drug Company founded by M Manal.
- Simon Schuster
48) While riding in a train in New York City in 1896, X saw a sign advertising '21 styles of shoes' which inspired X to have similar number for his company as well and use a two digit number depicting number of variety of product company is offering to their customer. Today the company has more than 5,700 products in its basket around the globe but this number is still continue as a part of their campaign. Id the company and which number it is ?
- Heinz, 57 varieties.
47) What was founded as 'Lord and Thomas' in 1873. Albert Lasker later sold this company to its top managers in 1940's who named this company after them. Id this company which changed its name in early 2014 ?
- FCB (Foote, Cone & Belding)
46) This is the brainchild of Rajeev Gupta and Ashish Trivedi providing suitable platform to families, children or any social group to safely communicate in online world. They are having headquarter in Singapore and providing their services in Australia, US & India. Id the start up recently received the Singapore Govt. fund backing ?
- Geckolife
45) This company was started in 1918, as a vendor of duplex lamp sockets, company used to sell its product under the brand name "National" until 2008. In 2008 it changed it name to something else by which we know it today Id which brand is this ?
- Panasonic
44) This first of its kind of entity were set up in Calcutta, Madras and Bombay in 1857. About a decade later demand rose for another one such entity in Lahore. But for years, the government kept putting off this proposal. So the people decided to raise money for this. Local rajas, doctors, lawyers, students, shopkeepers - all chipped in "Gullaks (piggy banks) were placed outside ration shops in which people would drop money” around 10K rupee was raised by this process. And It was first of its kind entity in the India estd in 1882. Tell me what I am talking about ?
- Punjab University
43) Martin Goodman and Louis Silberkleit, along with Maurice Coyne, founded Columbia Publications in early 1930's. Goodman soon left the company and started his own publication in 1939 as Timely Publications, later they changed its name & named it after a mountain range. Id how we know this company today ?
- Marvel Comic
42) What was created in mid 1990's from the merger of two Swiss company Ciba-Geigy and Sandoz Laboratories ?
- Novartis
41) The genesis of this goes back to 1944 when two brothers, Mr. H. P. Nanda and Mr. Yudi Nanda, launched a small agency house in Lahore. Over the years, this group has surged ahead and evolved into one of India's largest conglomerates being associated with some of the world leaders in the engineering manufacturing space like Minneapolis Moline, Ford, Yamaha, LG. Id this company I am talking about ?
- Escorts
40) He worked for computer company Ampex Corporation, his early project involved writing for the Central Intelligence Agency a database that could turn numbers into information. In late 1970's, working with Robert Miner and Edward Oates, he created a company called Software Development Laboratories to sell their product, the relational database, to the government. Later they turned their database into software business. How we know this company today ?
- Oracle
39) This is largest airline of its native country & the second oldest in the world, this is the first airline to introduce business class travel way back in late 1970's. ID which airline is this named after some territories of its native country ?
- Quantas
38) This US based fashion retail store named after its founding location. And a management program run by University of Pennsylvania & The Wharton School jointly is also named after retail founder. Id the retail store and its founder ?
- Nine West retail store and Jerome Fisher.
37) Started as a coffee house around 1660's, Today his is perhaps best known for its unusual insurance policies on various body parts of famous personality such as Whitney Houston's, Celine Dion's, Bob Dylan's, Bruce Springsteen's vocal cords, Tempest Storm, Holly Madison for Breast and also insurance of the development of the One World Trade Center and talking with Virgin Galactic to insure spaceflights. Id this group, which is not a company but instead a corporate body governed by the X Act of 1871 and subsequent Acts of Parliament ?
- Lloyd's
36) This group was founded as a publishing house and print shop in July 1835 in Germany. First concentrated on christian songs and books later the company began publishing novels, During World War II, this was the biggest single producer of Nazi propaganda as its owner, said to have belonged to a group that donated money to the Nazi's and this gave them enough publicity in that time.
This company today own the world's largest general interest trade book publishing company, Europe's biggest broadcaster of radio and television group & biggest magazine publishing houses in Europe. Id which business Group I am talking about ?
- Bertelsmann
35) E.S. Patanwala found a job with a perfumer and picked up the rudiments of blending perfumes. He started his own business & started manufacturing hair oil called "Otto Duniya" and over time he became quite successful. With growing expertise, his perfumes and oils grew in popularity. Maharaja Jhalawar, Maharaja Patiala, Maharaja Gwalior, Maharaja Kota and many other were his regular customer. This company made India's first beauty cream and is now the first beauty cream to be awarded the ISI mark by the Bureau of India standards (BIS). Id which brand I am talking about ?
- Afghan Snow
34) Which company founded back in 1905, this brand sells its product in US, African and Asian market with the name of LAVA as it doesn't have licence to sell its product by the name they sell in India, Bhutan and Nepal. In 1990's this company extended itself into the Tea and mosquito coils etc. In 1950's this company was renamed as Union Carbide India Ltd as it UCIL was majority stake holder in this company earlier. ID which company I am talking about ?
- Eveready Industries India
33) India most controversial project ?
- Lavasa city, Gautam Thaper having stake in this, designed after the Portofino city in Italy and Ajit Gulabchnad promoter of Lavasa
32) This American company founded in 1882 and went bankrupt in 1921 during the recession that followed World War I. The company initially sold low-cost items such as rubber stamps etc. But later started producing something else which made this brand so popular that company coined the phrase "The _______ that made the dollar famous!". Theodore Roosevelt mentioned that during his hunting trip in Africa he was described as "the man from the country where _________ was produced." Which brand is this whose some of its customer were Thomas Edison, MK Gandhi and Theodore Roosevelt etc today this company is owned by a Hong Kong based company ?
-Ingersoll watches
31) Which company founded back in 1905, this brand sells its product in US, African and Asian market with the name of LAVA as it doesn't have licence to sell its product by the name they sell in India, Bhutan and Nepal. In 1990's this company extended itself into the Tea and mosquito coils etc. In 1950's this company was renamed as Union Carbide India Ltd as it UCIL was majority stake holder in this company earlier. ID which company I am talking about ?
- Eveready Industries India
30) This tea estate has been with the Kejriwal family for more than five decades. The tea estate originally belonged to the British tea planter, Henry Lennox, who started its plantation in 1899. Subsequently, it was taken over by the Rana's of Nepal, and then passed on to the Kejriwals. It is very popular brand in the UK & France. It will be retailed in its home market for the first time since its inception. ID which Indian vintage Tea brand ?
- Jungpana Tea
29) This store was opened October 1985 in Dallas by David Cook, who grew the business and brought it public. The company became a multi-billion dollar company by 1993 proposed a merger with Viacom. After both companies' stocks tumbled in 1994, Viacom purchased it. This company also expanded in the European countries like UK, Portugal. Due to competition from companies such as Netflix and Redbox, this company lost significant revenue and filed for bankruptcy in 2010. Name this identity ?
- Blockbuster Entertainment
28) KT Chandy was the founder of this Institution which was started with the help of Ford Foundation and in collaboration with the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) in
1961. Id what was started first in India ?
- IIM Calcutta
27) In 1910's seven brothers immigrated to California from Italy. Working together, they made strides in aviation by inventing the first enclosed cabin monoplane. An accomplishment that led to the airplane that carried mail for the U.S. Postal Service. They stopped manufacturing aircraft in 1925 after the death of one of the brother in plane crash. Company keep changing there product line but today well known for the different product. Id which company it is ?
- Jacuzzi
26) It was founded in 1902 by two British entrepreneurs AN Turner and AC Wright. In 1928, Pinchin Johnson & Associates bought this company. The company makes high build zinc
coatings, radiation resistant coatings for nuclear power plants, polyurethane paint for fighter aircraft and railway coaches, among others. Some of India's iconic buildings and structures like the Rashtrapati Bhavan, Howrah Bridge, Vidyasagar Setu and the Salt Lake Stadium have traditionally used its products. Id this brand ?
- Shalimar Paints
25) The Mayor of Tokyo, Mr Shimpei Goto, named this brand with the hope that this brand, (a
luxury item of those times), would become widely available to common people and be sold
throughout the world. Id this brand ?
- Citizen
24) Which organisation was founded in mid 1990's, with the slogan "The Opinion and The Other Opinion" which was funded by a member of Royal family with $137 million ?
- Al Jazeera
23) In the 1660s, this product had become very popular among the upper classes of society, At the time, however, the French were not familiar with its technology, instead, Republic of Venice was known as the world leader in to manufacture this item, controlling technical and commercial monopoly of its business.
Later, French minister of finance 'Jean Colbert' wanted France to become completely self-sufficient in meeting domestic demand of this product and established a public enterprise in mid 1660's. Id this company and how we know it today ?
- Saint Gobain
22) This company was actually founded in 1844 by Samuel P. in Yorkshire in the North of England. By the 1880, this company became one of the world's largest construction company. But today it is a very different company and known for being a major shareholder in Financial Times, The Economist and many other elite media groups and in publishing houses. Id the Group ?
- Pearson
21) It started its printing business in 1480 and known for printing prayer books and scholarly works. To meets its rising costs, it started publishing children books, school text books etc. This printing house is publishing more than 6,000 new books every year and employing nearly 6,000 people. This entity is exempted from the corporation and income tax since 1970's in US, UK and many other countries. Id which elite entity is this in this world ?
- Oxford University Press
20) Founded by two Scotsmen in Kolkata, started as a Partnership Firm in 1867. Today this is a Mini-Ratna, Public Sector Enterprise under the Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Gas. This company has presence in both manufacturing and service sectors such as steel, industrial greases, specialty lubricants, corporate travel and logistics services etc. Id this company ?
- Balmer Lawrie & company founded by George Stephen Balmer and Alexander Lawrie
19) This 40 year old pizza chain founded in the 1973, in Omaha following the release of a movie throughout the country starring Marlon Brando, interestingly this chain was also named after the name of this movie. This idea to start this chain struck to the founder when he was on a trip with his some friend and he prepared pizza to cheers those moment, as the aroma gets around the neighborhood. Civilians started coming around them asking to buy this. The pizza and the concept grew in popularity because of its quality niche and unique offerings today. Id this popular US brand ?
- The GodFather Pizza
18) The two brother set up a small mail-order record retail business back in 1970s. Today this is world famous brand. Its current logo was originally sketched on a paper napkin by graphic designer Trevor Key. Which brand is this ?
- Virgin
17) George Allen, an Englishman who had had great success in the tea business in north-east India, he set to form something in Allahabad in mid 1860's. Which was later sold to the Thapar Group in 1990 which gave the national wings to this brand. Today it is owned by Chandan Mitra a politician and Journalist. Tell me what I am talking about ?
- The Pioneer
16) Name the hotel chain that was founded by Kemmons Wilson following disappointing experiences at hotels during a vacation he took in the 1950's in the US. The name of the hotel was taken from a famous Bing Crosby movie?
- Holiday Inn
15) Which famous Indian company was founded by Mohan Advani in 1943. In its early stage company ventured into the manufacturing of ice candy machines and bottle coolers. In 1970, the Company took up the all-India distributorship of Hewlett-Packard products, a business relationship which continues today. Id which Indian company ?
- Blue star
14) This product was first made for the women in 1937 and later for men in 1938. This was manufactured by the Shulton Company that was founded by William Lightfoot Schultz. Today this brand is owned by P&G. Id brand I am talking about ?
-Old Spice
13) Which music company was founded by two brothers, Ramesh Taurani and Kumar Taurani, in the late 1970s when they were dealers in LPs for leading music companies?
- Tips
12) Established in 1788, it is one of the world's oldest companies, and was taken over in 1982 by the Murugappa Group. Which company are we referring to?
- EID Parry
11) Which German company traced its roots to a sewing machine manufacturer to manufacturing bicycles in 1886 and produced its first automobile in 1899 ?
10) What was started as Chloride Electrical Storage Co. in India as an import house ?
- Exide
9) Prior to 1985, The X Corporation was called Consolidated Foods. X was one of its famous product after which this brand is known today. In 1956, Consolidated Foods bought this X brand from Charles Lubin who had named it after his daughter. Id this X corporation ?
- Sara Lee
8) Which brand was founded in 2000, in which one of TATA subsidiary owned 34% stake which were later sold to Sterling which later sold it to an Italian group which owned it today, recently one of a UK based biz-man set to acquire this company, he was also its first CEO in its initials period. Which famous brand is this ?
- Barista Coffee
7) Which business magazine was started in 1995 by Alan Webber and Bill Taylor, two former Harvard Business Review editors, and publisher Mortimer Zuckerman. This company also operate a website known as "30 secound MBA", a site with an ongoing video "curriculum" of advice from business personalities. Id the company ?
- Fast Company
6) How we know the Lohia Machinery Limited company very well ?
5) In the history of photocopiers, why is the phrase `10-22-38 Astoria' significant?
- These were the first words to be photocopied by Chester Carlson, a patent attorney who invented the photocopy machine in 1938.
4) Id the stamp of which group commemorated on the completion of the 100 year.
3) In 1965, Fred DeLuca borrowed $1,000 from friend Peter Buck to start "Pete's Super Submarines", and in the following year they formed Doctor's Associates Inc to oversee operations of this restaurants as the franchise expanded. In 1968 this restaurant started known as _________ ?
2) This London registered company, X, gets a licence for Calcutta through its agent, Kilburn & Co. A month later, the company changes its name to Y. This company begins supplying its services on a trial basis to the Bank of Bengal the Bengal Club, and several private residences. In 1989 RPG group acquired this company
-Calcutta Electric Supply Corporation.
1) Zno, H3Bo3, Lanolin. In India it was first manufactured in late 1929. The product is still in use what I am talking about?
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