Tuesday, 5 May 2015

Business Quiz Set - 53

1) X products carry the image of an elderly African-American named Frank Brown has been associated with X for last 70 years.  He was Gordon L Harwell a supplier of X to armed forces in WWII who chose this face for the brand to expand its product in US. As a part of advertisement to see Brown popularity, he was promoted to the chairman of the board in the company. Id which brand is this ?

Uncle Ben's

2) Real Value Appliances owned by Mr. Pheroze Engineer started operations in late 1980's bringing to the country a new concept faded out after 12 years what product did they bring to the country ?
Fire Extinguisher

3)  He is a French-Lebanese-Brazilian based businessman who is also a chairman of a Russian based automobile manufacturer. According to some resources he was hailed as a potential presidential candidate in Lebanon 2014.  Acc. to a survey by life-insurance company AXA, he was in top ten list to run the Japan. Who I am talking about who also earned nickname of Mr. Fixit. 
Carlos Ghosn

4) Josiah Wedgwood, a 18th century entrepreneur known for pioneering this marketing strategy which has grown significantly over the last few years which has become standard practice today in direct marketing Very often, unreliable businesses use it as a tact to reel the customer into a false sense of safety.  This tech was major tool for company like Richard Sears & Crosely to win there customer confidence. Id which marketing strategy talked about ? 
Money-back guarantee

5) Connect 
-  Birla 
a) Jay Mehta, earlier married to Sujata Birla, sister of Yash Birla
b) Yash Birla Group logo
c) Hindustan Times newspaper owned by Shobhana Bhartia, daughter of KK Birla
d) Aditya Birla Group's fibre division, Birla Cellulose

6) Id this Norwegian Nobel laureates who was first to receive in this category & he is widely known for coining two most important term in 1933.  ID him and term he coined ? 
Ragnar Frisch; Micro & Macroeconomics

7) Id the logo of which organisation founded in 1999 ? 

-  Michael & Susan Dell Foundation


Anonymous said...

Sent by Sumanth Patlolla

1) Uncle Ben's
2) Fire Extinguisher
3) Carlos Ghosn
4) Money-back guarantee
5) Connect - Birla family
a) Jay Mehta, earlier married to Sujata Birla, sister of Yash Birla
b) Yash Birla Group
c) Hindustan Times newspaper owned by Shobhana Bhartia, daughter of KK Birla
d) Aditya Birla Group's fibre division, Birla Cellulose
6)Ragnar Anton Kittil Frisch; Micro & Macroeconomics
7) Michael & Susan Dell Foundation

Brand Trivia Today said...

Answer by V.S Dheepan via mail

1)Uncle ben

2)Fire extinguisher

3)Carlso Ghosn

4)Money back guarantee

5)Birla Group(jey metha married Sujatha birla, logo of Yas birla group, HT owned by shobhana bhartia , logo of birla cellulose)

6)_Regnar Frisch-(econometrics, flowinput)

7)Mitcheal ans Susan Dell Foundation

Brand Trivia Today said...

Answer via mail by Anand Raj

1) Uncle Ben's (Rice)
2) A domestic fire extinguisher, “Ceasefire”
3) Carlos Ghosn
4) A money-back guarantee also known as a satisfaction guarantee.
5) Birla Family is connection.
Jay Mehta : Married to Sujata Birla, sister of Yash Birla , Logo of Yash Birla Group, Birla Cellulose is part of Aditya Birla Group, Hindustan Times is part of KK Birla Group.
6) Ragnar Anton Kittil Frisch, He coined terms “MicroEconomics &MacroEconomics.
7) Michael and Susan Dell Foundation

Brand Trivia Today said...

Answer by Anand Kumar via Mail

1) Uncle Ben's Rice
2) A domestic fire extinguisher
3) Carlos Ghosn
4) Money Back Guarantee
5) Birla Group, K K Birla, chairman of Hindustan Times, Head of Birla Cellulose,
6) Ragnar Anton Kittil Frisch, Macroeconomics & Microeconomics
7)The Michael & Susan Dell Foundation