Tuesday, 28 April 2015

Business Quiz Set - 52

1) X was originally founded in Sweden by two frustrated music lovers having its headquarter in the Berlin. The founders initially aspired to allow musicians to share recordings with each other, but the concept later transformed into a full publishing tool that also allowed musicians to distribute their music tracks. The Government of Turkey blocked its access in 2014 when several phone call conversations were leaked of Turkish Prime Minister on X. Id what I am talking about ? 

2) In September 1948, President of X country attended a conference in Geneva. As he was scheduled to fly back in an military aircraft but as embargo was imposed at the time by European countries and US, as X were embroiled in war with Arab States. This was not possible for them to use military transport aircraft so X nation had to convert its transport into a civilian plane to transport President of Nation X home and in result Y Airline was incorporated and became a national carrier in late 1940's. Which Airline is this considered to be one of the world's most secure airlines? 
 Israel Airline 

3)  What was started by these two in mid 90's as a supplier of Images to advertiser, media and corporate houses ?
Getty Images, Inc.

*4) This is concept of Management theory in which selection/promotion of a candidate for a particular position is based on his previous & current performance on the job rather than his competency level and as a result he stops performing on his new job as he may not have required skills for the job which has been assigned to him in result failed to get promotion further. How do we know this concept ? 
Peter Principle

5) This is an Indian book award hosted by a Mumbai based Bookstore which was instituted in 1998 with intention of competing with Booker Prize, Pulitzer Prize etc. This award has been sponsored by many companies since its inception which includes Hutch, Vodafone, The Economist and currently sponsored by Raymond Group. Id the award I am talking about ? 
Crossword Book Award 

*6) He worked for many years as a journalist with the Time. He wrote books on company like Apple and Chrysler.  He switched his career in 1986 to become a venture capitalist, one of the early  investor in Yahoo who convinced its founders to commercialise their web directory. He is today most respected venture capitalist some of his investment is in PayPal, Youtube, Zappos etc and served at board of Google, PayPal. Id who I am talking about ? 
Michael Jonathan Moritz

7) Id the logo of which US based fashion brand ? 
Coach INC


Anonymous said...

Sent by Sumanth Patlolla

1) SoundCloud
2) El Al Israel Airlines
3) Getty Images
4) Peter Principle
5) The Crossword Book Award
6) Sir Michael Moritz
7) Coach, Inc.

Unknown said...

1. Soundcloud

2. X- Israel, Y- El Al Israel Airlines Ltd (Israel's 1st president, Chaim Weizmann).

3. Getty Images, Inc.

4. Peter Principle

5. Crossword Book Award

6. Sir Michael Jonathan Moritz

7. Hermes

Brand Trivia Today said...


1)Sound cloud

2)EI AI Israel Airlines ltd

3)Getty Images

4)Peter Principle

5)Cross Word book award

6)Micheal Moritz

7)Coach INC

Brand Trivia Today said...

Email by Anand Raj

2)El Al Israel Airlines Ltd
3) Getty Images
4) Peter Principle
5) Crossword Book Award
6) Michael Moritz
7) Coach Inc.

Brand Trivia Today said...

Email Via Adarsh Mishra

1) SoundCloud

2) El Al Israel Airlines

3) Getty images

4) Peter Principle

5) Crossword book award

6) Michael Moritz

7) Coach

Brand Trivia Today said...

Email via Abhilashini A J

1 SoundCloud

2 El Al Israel Airlines Ltd.

3 Getty Images

4 Peter Principle

5 Crossword Book Award

6 Michael Moritz

7) Coach Inc